CASA Resources & Important Links

All the tools you need.

  • Optima.

    Log vital case notes online and contact information online. It’s free, easy to use, and makes keeping up with your documents a breeze.

  • Reimbursement Form.

    Fill out this form to be reimbursed for the mileage you use to visit members of your case.

  • Abuse Hotline.


    Call the Texas Abuse Hotline (1-800-252-5400) if your situation is urgent and needs to be investigated within 24 hours.

    Call 911 or your local law enforcement agency if you have an emergency or life-threatening situation that must be dealt with immediately

    Complete forms online ***do not use the website to report urgent or emergency situations – call the hotline or 911***

  • Continuing Education.

    It’s important to stay up to date on child welfare policy changes, best practices, and trauma-informed advocacy. Volunteers are required to complete 12 hours of CE. Proof can be given to your volunteer supervisor or uploaded into Optimum. Click here to go to our continually updated list of education resources for CASA.